Friday, 11 November 2011


Hey guys! Look you all HAVE to watch the video I have posted. It is an episode of a funny Pakistani Urdu Drama called Bulbulay. So what are you waiting for? Just click play and then get ready to laugh your pants off! (okay I know that was lame but I couldn't resist it)
Anyways just watch this NOW!

If you guys liked this and want me to put some more episodes then just tell me in a comment. 


  1. Thanks so do u want me to put more episodes of it?

  2. i really like bubulay cuz its funny.u can put some more videos but i was planning to put a bulbulay video on my funny blog.
    and yeah can u join :

  3. and fishes look more better on right side.
    and how did u put the music?

  4. r u gonna wish me a happy birthday.

  5. ok ali i will put more videos of bulbulay soon.
    and rahim happy birthday and i cant tell u how to put the music as it is my little secret.

  6. Bulbulay is funny and maa jee is a crackpot just like U!!!
